When it comes to hiring the best staff for your organization, there are various types of recruitment that can be used. Many organizations choose to implement various methods and techniques to attract and hire talent. In this blog, we will discuss the 8 types of recruitment that can be used to attract talent.

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What is Recruitment?

The process of recruitment begins with identifying the need for an employee within the organization. Once the need is established, the recruitment process involves attracting, recruiting, selecting, hiring, and onboarding.

Depending on the business, role, and department, there are various types of recruiting methods that can be used to hire talent. The type of recruitment that you use should take into account the background, skills, and experience that you are seeking for the position. The types of recruitment can be broken down into two main categories: internal and external.

  • Internal Recruiting is hiring someone within the organization to fulfill a role. Internal recruiting allows for organizations to save time from interviewing and onboarding since the prospect is already familiar with the organization. However, internal recruiting does not allow for fresh ideas to come in the door.
  • External Recruiting is looking for outside individuals to fulfill the role. While the process may take longer for sourcing, interviewing, and assessing prospects, it offers a chance to bring in fresh and renewed energy into the organization.

Types of Recruitment

When it comes to hiring someone to fill a role within your organization, it can take time and strategy to find the right person. At HR Collaboration Group, our staff are experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to attracting the right person. Here are the various methods that we use when recruiting for our clients:

  1. Advertising
    • Advertising is a great way to not only get your organization’s name out there but it is also a great way to find a lot of applicants. By placing a job on your company website, job boards and social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn, you are expanding your exposure to both your company and the available position. Many of these sites also allow you to pay a premium fee to run an advertisement in order to expand your reach. In order to be successful, the job description and ad much be very specific to what you are looking for in order to attract the right candidate.
  2. Talent Pools
    • At HR Collaboration Group, we use various databases, including yours to search for candidates. You should always search through the databases for prior applicants that were not hired but were good contenders. Since you already had a good idea of what their background was, it can help save time in searching to fill the next position.
  3. Referrals
    • Does your company have an employee referral program in place? If not, it should. This encourages your existing staff to refer people that they know to fill vacancies within the organization.
  4. Boomerang Employees
    • Boomerang employees are individuals who previously worked at the organization but left on good terms for a variety of reasons. Rehiring past employees is gaining popularity and shouldn’t be overlooked. Rehiring a boomerang employee is cost-effective and eliminates the risk of a bad hire. Plus, you already know they have the skills, abilities, and fit in the company culture.
  5. Professional Organizations
    • If you work in an industry with various professional organizations, looking for members of the organization is a great way to find a quality hire.
  6. Events
    • Recruitment events are a great way to attract talent. Whether you’re hosting your own open house or attending a local job fair, you are putting your company out in front of people within the community. In order to have a successful recruitment strategy at an event, you should understand the type of candidate you are looking for and if this person fits the company culture.
  7. Graduate Recruiting
    • If you work close to an educational institution, we recommend reaching out to see if you can attend their career fairs. Recent graduates are a great source for talent since they are looking for opportunities to grow their futures.
  8. Internships and Apprenticeships
    • Similar to recruiting graduates, you can also recruit current students for internships. Hiring interns and apprentices allows for them to gain valuable work experience while also opening the possibility for a full-time job post-graduation. This also allows for you to promote your company’s brand and promote that you are supportive of developing talent.

When it comes to hiring top talent for your organization, there is no right method to attract talent. At HR Collaboration Group, we use these methods and more for bringing on talent for our clients. When developing our recruitment strategy, we work with you to understand and develop goals that fit your organization. If you’re looking to implement a successful recruitment strategy for your company, schedule a free consultation.